INFRONEER Holdings Inc. INFRONEER Holdings Inc.

Sustainable Finance

The INFRONEER Group has set the medium to long-term goal of becoming an “integrated infrastructure service company” to achieve enduring growth. By leveraging the strengths of our business activities, we aim to build a business model that enables sustainable growth independently of external factors such as economic environment and public policies. We will deliver one-stop infrastructure management services encompassing the entire infrastructure lifecycle, spanning from planning and proposing, to constructing, operating, and maintaining.

We are committed to providing the values of “safety, security, and sustainability of our society and local communities” through our business activities. We are striving to ensure the sustainable use and harmonious coexistence with natural capital that forms the foundation our business. Adopting a long-term perspective, we are actively addressing the issues such as climate change, resource recycling, biodiversity, pollution control, and water security.

As we continue to work toward our goal of becoming an integrated infrastructure service company, we will proactively leverage sustainable finance to achieve a sustainable future.

Finance record